Terms and Conditions of Service Loquovip

INTRODUCTION. Welcome to our website. These conditions apply to the services available in is a web of erotic ads and escorts and services of sexual character. By accessing, you agree to the following conditions, included in the corresponding section "Additional Conditions" that is included later. These Terms of Service enter into effective on 02/01/2011.

USE OF THE WEBSITE. You must advertise in the relevant area or category and refrain from commit the following acts:
路 The user confirms that she is of legal age in her jurisdiction and that she did not create this profile under duress.
路 The user confirms that she will not offer any service that violates local legislation.
路 Violate the laws or our rules and our prohibited content policy that is included more forward.
Manifest falsehoods or mislead
Violate the rights of third parties
路 Distribute or host unsolicited communications ("spam" or junk mail), chain letters or lucrative pyramids 路 Distribute viruses or other technologies that may harm Loquovip or to the property or interests of website users
Imposing an unreasonable usage load on our infrastructure or interfering with the proper website performance
路 Copy, modify, process or distribute the contents of another person
路 Use any robot, spider, scraper or any other automatic means to access the website and remove contents for any purpose without our express written consent.
Store or in any way collect information or personal data from third parties without their consent, including email addresses
Bypass, avoid or "bypass" the measures used to prevent or restrict access to the website Publish an ad that does not meet minimum quality criteria.
This list is not exhaustive, so we reserve the right to withdraw, without prior notice or any notification, any content that is not compatible with the current policies of the website and/or that violate the security of the platform or other users.

ABUSIVE USE OF THE WEBSITE. Please use our contact email to tell us about any problems or offensive content observed, so that we can maintain the good website operation. We may limit or terminate our service, remove content hosted on it and take technical and legal measures to keep users away from Loquovip yes we believe who are creating problems or acting contrary to the spirit or form of our policies, all regardless of any payment made for the use of the website or complementary services. Nevertheless, whether or not we decide to withdraw access to the website from a user, and except in the event that Loquovip had a effective knowledge of the existence of illegal content, in the sense of current legislation, and there would be no acted quickly to remove it, we accept no responsibility for the legality of the content published or derived from the monitoring of the website.

The sale of articles or the provision of services whose sale or provision is illegal according to the local laws. In addition, the following items and services are expressly prohibited:
Blood, blood fluids and body parts
路 Tools used for theft
路 Child pornography
Counterfeit currency and stamps
路 Cultural goods
路 Illegal drugs and objects related to drug use
路 Pyrotechnic material, destruction mechanisms and explosives
路 Football Tickets
Tickets for shows
路 Lotteries and bets
Dangerous activities (for example, shooting)
路 Identification documents, financial data of persons and personal information (in any form, including mailing lists)
Insulting, discriminatory, offensive or violent behavior
路 Lottery coupons, raffle tickets and slot machines
Instigation to murder or violence
Obscene material
Offensive material, including neo-Nazi propaganda and racial hate propaganda
路 Pesticides
Police badges and uniforms and other official badges and uniforms
路 Medications and devices issued with a prescription
路 Multi-level pyramid marketing
Incitement to riots or riots
路 Shares and other securities
stolen property
terrorist propaganda
Tobacco-related products
Weapons and related items, such as firearms, firearm parts and chargers,
ammunition, air guns and pellet guns, tear gas, electric shock weapons, switchblades and weapons used in martial arts The following types of items or services are generally prohibited or subject to legislation very strict :
Alcoholic beverages
路 Animals
路 Products and cultural goods
Contact lenses
Food items
Fossils, minerals
Dangerous, restricted or perishable items
路 Medical instrumentation
Medicine (including cosmetic surgery)
Used bedding and used clothing
The following items or activities violate the law or may potentially violate the law:
路 Pirate recordings
Improper use of a registered trademark
Internet downloadable media
Film printing
Fake and replica items
Cable and satellite TV decoders
Unauthorized copies

RATES AND SERVICES. Normally, using the website is free. However, certain services they involve a cost. If you use a service that involves a cost, you must review and accept its conditions that will be displayed at the time you submit your ad. Our rates may be modified from time to time. We will notify you of any changes to our rates by posting them. on our site. These modifications will enter into force immediately and will be applicable to the new advertisements that you publish on the website. We may change rates for promotional events or services new. These modifications will come into force on the date indicated in the communication announcing the event. promotion or the new service.
Costs are non-refundable. You will be responsible for paying all applicable fees and taxes related to our websites and services in a timely manner, using a valid form of payment. Yes problems arise with your payment method, or if you have not paid the corresponding fees, we reserve the right to collect fees due using other collection mechanisms. We can entrust the matter to debt collection agencies or take legal action. This means that you will have to pay the amount due, plus any legally established interest on arrears. CONTENTS. The website hosts content both both your own and those of other users. The website is protected by intellectual property laws and by the international treaties on the matter. The content displayed on or through the website is protected in its status as a collective work and/or compilation, in accordance with intellectual property laws and treaties international on the matter. You agree not to use, copy, modify or distribute the contents of the website that are subject to intellectual or industrial property rights, copyrights or trademarks. You agree not to copy, distribute or modify the content of the website, as well as our patents and trademarks. You will not disassemble or decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise operation to obtain any source code If you provide us with content, you are granting us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, free, sublicensable and assignable right for the exploitation of the aforementioned content (including, without limitation, its reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation and "made available to the public) so that we can use them in all media and modalities of exploitation. We reserve the right to withdraw content if we have indications that these violate these conditions of use or the rights of third parties.

PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. You agree not to post content that infringes the rights of third parties. This includes, without limitation, content that infringes the proprietary rights intellectual property such as copyright or trademark rights (for example, selling counterfeit items). the legal owners intellectual property rights, in particular the owners of copyrights, trademarks, or any other rights of third parties, they can inform about it. To report an advertisement on the site web that they believe infringes their intellectual property rights and request the withdrawal must inform expressed in this regard via email to, we will investigate the case and if appropriate, we will delete the announcement immediately.

LIABILITY. Except in the case that Loquovip had actual knowledge of the existence of an illegal content, within the meaning of current legislation, and has not acted promptly to remove it, We decline all responsibility in relation to the contents dumped or the acts committed by other users. Since most of the content on the website comes from other users, we cannot guarantee its correctness. or accuracy of the contents uploaded or of the communications issued by users, nor the quality, security or legality of what we offer on the web. We also cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to our services. Accordingly, to the extent legally permissible, we exclude all warranties implicit. We are not responsible for any loss of money, goodwill, or reputation, or any class of special, indirect or consequential damages, resulting from the use of Loquovip by the user. Some countries do not allow such exclusions of warranties or damages, so they may not apply to you. Yes you act as a consumer, nothing in the Terms of Use shall exclude or limit in any way any liability of Loquovip, nor shall any provision of the Terms of Use apply to in connection with the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages by Loquovip, except in the event of an act of God, force majeure, responsibility of a third party or responsibility on your part.

PERSONAL DATA. By using the website, you consent to Loquovip (the "responsible for the file") collects, transfer, store and use your personal data on servers located in the European Union, as described in greater detail in our Privacy Policy (which is understood to be incorporated by reference to these Terms of Use). You also accept the sending by us of promotional communications, to means that expressly indicate otherwise.

ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS. These conditions and the rest of the policies that regulate the website (in hereinafter, the "Agreement") constitute the entire agreement between you and Loquovip, and supersede any other agreement previous. This Agreement is governed by Spanish law and is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Spain. Such jurisdiction will not be competent in case you are a consumer and consumer law that is applicable establishes a different jurisdiction (such as the law of the country of residence) for certain issues. Yes we do not require compliance with a particular provision, we are not waiving our right to do it in the future. If a court requires the removal of any of those conditions, the rest of the conditions they will subsist We may automatically assign this Agreement at our discretion in accordance with what is stipulated later in terms of notice. With the exception of notices relating to content illegal or that infringe intellectual or industrial property rights.
We reserve the right to update these terms of use at any time. The Modifications to these general conditions will take effect on the date of the realization of the first of the following two events: (a) the first ad you post after the update, or (b) fifteen (15) days after the update. If you wish, you can ask us questions, comments or complaints through our contact email